I bought this for my granddaughter who is about to have her first baby, as my daughter had used these muslins with both her babies and raved about them. They are just so useful, they can be used for multiple purposes such as a modesty cover when breast feeding when out and about or draped from the hood of the buggy while baby is asleep or the sun is out. My granddaughter became very attached to her muslin and it became her go to comforter long after she grew out of babyhood. And let’s not forget they are designed to help the development of babies ability to focus their eyes too, so they are both beautiful and functional. Highly recommended.
New Mum and baby boy loved the muslin
A beautiful soft muslin in a stunning print. My 6 month old friend can’t take her eyes off it! These products really work, capturing the attention of even the most restless of babies. Not sure who appreciates it most but suspect it may be her exhausted Mummy who now manages to have a shower and a cup of tea uninterrupted. ❤️
I bought this muslin for myself when I had my son so I had to buy it when my friend was due her first baby. I used it for everything and it was always in my changing bag to use as a breastfeeding cover when out and about. Would highly recommend.
I bought these for my grandchild. Absolutely loves them and the quality is gorgeous, so soft. The patterns are a big hit , so interesting!